1 Thessalonians - Faith, Love, and Hope

Back in 2011, Crossway published my book on Thessalonians in the Preaching the Word series: 1-2 Thessalonians: The Hope of Salvation. I have been able to revisit some of my work on Thessalonians over the past 6 month, and have developed what I think is a helpful structure to the book using Paul’s grid of faith, love, and hope. I preached a three-part series on this in June at Living Hope Church in Piperton, TN. if you’re interested, you can listen to the sermons here.


Integrating Work and Faith

Much of my experience over the past 5-6 years of running a company has been the attempt to integrate work and faith. Loads of books have been written about this, but at the end of the day, much of what happens in my day-to-day activities boils down to love and service. Love requires a degree of self-awareness - this job, this company, this situation, it is not about me, but about that person. I (my ego let’s say), often gets in the way of what I need to do for any given situation. A lot of the leadership involved in making your faith real in the context of work is about this kind of love and service.


In Light of the Gospel - Reboot

Back in April 2007, I started a blog I titled, “In Light of the Gospel.” That was the beginning of this website. Around 2014, I shifted gears from full-time pastoral ministry into the corporate world. Today I oversee a company called Historic Images, and I provide consulting for leaders in ministry, business, and education. I want my experience in the fields of ministry, business, and education to be of benefit to others, so I am starting this website up again with a new blog and reflections.
